Stafford County

Map of Stafford CountyNumber of Customers: 5,482

Number of Line Miles

  • 268.35 underground
  • 194.83 overhead

Taxes Paid in 2017
Stafford County:

  • Property Tax: $218,968
  • Utility Tax: $37,923

Major Employers Served

  • County of Stafford
  • Stafford County Public Schools

Community Organizations and Causes We Support:

  • 4-H
  • Easter Seals
  • Hartwood and Rock Hill Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squads
  • MS Walk
  • March of Dimes, March for Babies
  • NOVEC High School Scholarship Program
  • SERVE Stafford
  • Stafford Safety Net
  • The Salvation Army
  • Youth Team Sports Sponsorships
  • Youth Tour Legislative Conference

Operation Round Up®: Heating assistance grants available through SERVE, Inc.

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