Safety Tips During Outages

NOVEC crew restoring power

Remember these vital instructions to avoid dangerous situations during outages:

  • Treat every power line as if it were a "live" wire and dangerous.
  • Stay away from downed wires or trees lying on wires.
  • Notify NOVEC immediately should you observe a downed wire. If NOVEC phone lines are busy, contact your local fire or rescue department.
  • Take necessary precautions to keep others away from the area until qualified personnel arrive on the scene.
  • If a power line falls on a vehicle, stay away and avoid making contact. Report the incident to NOVEC or the police immediately. If someone is inside the car, have the person stay there until professional help arrives.

A particular word of caution is issued to customers who have purchased portable generators. Proper installation by an electrician is required. They should be installed at a site with proper ventilation, never inside a building or garage. Improper installation not only jeopardizes your home, it also endangers NOVEC line technicians who work to restore power to your home. If the generator is not properly installed, the electricity it creates will flow back onto the power lines. This creates a life-threatening condition because the line technicians believe the line is de-energized. More on generator safety.

Learn more about staying safe during severe weather, including hurricanes.

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