Yard Repair and Restoration

During the normal course of electrical inspections and operations, NOVEC crews or contract crews may cause damage to your property such as ruts or holes in your yard from underground line repair.

A NOVEC crew or contract crew (currently Custom Care Lawn & Prop. Services Inc.) will repair the problems. These crews are dispatched depending on the weather to repair damage, normally within a two-week period. Crews will level areas, remove debris, and seed and straw or re-sod areas as necessary.

Plant material other than grass which is damaged or destroyed within the NOVEC right-of way will not be replaced. The property owner places these plant materials within the right of way at their own risk.

Crews may need to dig around transformers on your property
Disturbed areas on your property will be repaired by NOVEC contractors

Crews may need to dig holes to locate underground wire problems on your property. Disturbed areas will be seeded and strawed (or sodded if appropriate) usually within two weeks depending on weather conditions.

If you believe your yard has been damaged as a result of recent NOVEC repair work, please click here.

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