Net Energy Metering Existing and Remaining Capacity


This information is posted pursuant to NOVEC tariff NEM-10 — effective February 1, 2024.

NOVEC System Peak Calculation (Based on 2023 Data)

 NEM-10 Net System Peak:      1,171 Megawatts


Net Metering Capacity Limit Pursuant to Tariff NEM-10

Cap Percent (%) Megawatts (MW)
Total Residential Capacity 4.0% 46.840
Total Nonresidential Capacity 1.0% 11.710
Total Nonjurisdictional & Nonprofit Capacity 2.0% 23.420


Current NEM Connected Load Installed (in MW of Connected Load)

Capacity  Megawatts (MW)
Total Residential Capacity Installed 23.440
Total Nonresidential Capacity Installed 3.298
Total Nonjurisdictional & Nonprofit Capacity Installed 1.779


Capacity Available for New Installations* (in MW of Available Capacity)

Capacity  Megawatts (MW)
Total Residential Capacity Available 23.400
Total Nonresidential Capacity Available 8.412
Total Nonjurisdictional & Nonprofit Capacity Available 21.641




*The financial conditions related to installing net metering equipment or entering into third-party net metering purchase power agreements could change over time. Variables include, but are not limited to, power market conditions, NOVEC rate level or rate structure changes, regulatory rule or statutory changes, and/or the contract terms of the net metering system or third-party power purchase agreements.

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